Friday 16 August 2024

US Homeland Security will reportedly collect face scans of migrant kids

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The DHS disputes the report.

Update, August 15, 5:50PM ET: The US Department of Homeland Security has issued a statement disputing some of MIT Technology Review's reporting. We've updated our post below with its statement and more details.

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which is looking to improve its facial recognition algorithms, is reportedly planning to use the facial data of migrant children entering the country for training. According to MIT Technology Review, the agency intends to collect and analyze facial captures of kids younger than 14. John Boyd, the assistant director of Homeland Security's Office of Biometric Identity Management who's involved in the development of biometric services for the government, told the publication that the collection will include children "down to the infant."

Programs that collect biometric information and even DNA samples from migrants entering the country typically only apply to people between 14 and 79 years old. Boyd said Homeland Security's plan was likely made possible by some of its sub-offices' decision to remove age restrictions for the collection of biometric data. Since the information is also supposed to be used for research purposes and not for the agency's actual operations, Homeland's restrictions for biometric collection also don't apply to the program.

By Mariella Moon

Full story at Engadget.

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